Join me LIVE inside a fun 8-week container full of creativity, collaboration, and calling in the cash.

Camp Creativity starts on July 25, 2022. Our first live call is August 4!

Camp Creativity is an 8-week LIVE Intensive where you'll learn to tap deeper into your creativity and grow your confidence while growing your creative business.


Amazing things can happen in your business + life when you combine the power of logical, action steps and having a superpower mindset!

Get a clear picture of what you need to run your business (the tech, systems, and strategies) along with how you can run your business in a way that feels so much more effortless while making more money.

I figured out this very thing and it propelled me to over six figures in a shorter time than I ever thought possible.

I'm sharing this with you inside Camp Creativity. 

Business doesn't have to be boring!

We can have fun, get creative, AND make money!

Here's the thing...

When I realized I was able to stop hustling and work in a better way, my sales went up and my stress went down.

But too many creative business owners are still making it way too hard.

Camp Creativity is the place to be if you're ready to take actionable steps, stop getting in your own way, and make some magic happen in your business.

You'll also get help with your designs and answers to your Photoshop questions! We're talking all things creativity during our eight weeks together.

When you join Camp Creativity you can expect help with your business, design, and mindset!

You don't need another course...

You need a program where you can get real-time support, make breakthroughs in your business, and get my playbook on making bank while having fun and being creative.

And, to be clear, we're all creative. We just might have lost that part of ourselves somewhere along the way.

Camp Creativity is a blend of learning new strategies to run a creative business but also learning to tap into our intuition, get clarity on what steps we need to take next, and doing it in a way that feels fun and removes our own self-imposed barriers to get to the next level.

Are you ready to hit the sweet spot in your business?

During our eight weeks together, I'm sharing my sales system and traffic strategy, but I'm also giving you tools to grow your confidence, a way to tap into your own superpowers, and the step-by-step approach to start running your business from a place of ease.

Change how the rest of 2022 looks for you.

Or you could stay in the same place.

The choice is yours.

Let's work together so that you can have the freedom you're wanting in life (so words like "recession" and "increasing gas prices" just don't matter much).

What's Included in the LIVE Round of Camp Creativity:

8 Weeks Together - LIVE!

It all begins on Monday, July 25! We'll hang out together for 8 weeks where you can get all the answers to your questions around running a creative business. I'm pulling the curtains back in my own business and sharing what I know to work well in terms of growing your revenue, getting new traffic to your website, how to turn customers into repeat buyers, and more. You're also getting my best mindset secrets and the skinny on how I level up through stepping away from my desk.

Access to the Pre-Recorded Curriculum

On July 25, we'll unlock your curriculum where you'll find pre-recording training content in the form of videos, worksheets, prompts, checklists, and more! You'll get lifetime access to all this juicy content.

Four Live Calls

Get live help and answers to all of your questions. We'll have four live calls together. Calls will happen on Thursdays at 1:45 pm CST. You will have access to all call replays in case you can't join live or you want to rewatch the call. If you can't join us on the live call, you're welcome to submit your question ahead of time and I will answer it on the call.

Private Community of Support

Not only will we hang out together on the live calls but we will also have a private group so that you can work through the program curriculum together with like-minded souls. You can also get answers to your questions between the calls inside the private group.

You're also getting these bonuses when you join this live round...

  • Access to the Idea Lab - Not sure what to sell next? I've got you covered. Plus all kinds of fun ideas on content you can use for social media, emails, headlines, and more.
  • The Mindset Shifts Toolbox - stop fear in its track and run your business from a place of confidence. Inside this fun digital toolbox, you'll find videos and exercises that help you get out of your own way and make showing up in your business a lot easier. I also share my favorite mindset tools that I've used to go bigger and sell more in my business.
  • Cash Injections Video Trainings - three videos where I share ways to create cash injections in your business when you're needing a little extra income.

Camp Creativity is for you if:

  • You already have a creative and/or design business but want to increase your sales;
  • You're ready to feel more confident in running your business;
  • You're wanting to start a side hustle to bring in more income;
  • You have business questions and want solid answers from someone who has a LOT of experience in running a full-time creative online business.


Camp Creativity Live Intensive

  • 8-week Live Program
  • Access to the pre-corded curriculum full of videos, workbooks, prompts, checklists, and more.
  • Four Live Coaching Calls
  • Lifetime access to curriculum and replays
  • Private Community of Support

BONUS Access to Idea Lab

BONUS The Mindset Shifts Toolbox

BONUS Cash Injections Video Recordings


Design Business in a Box + Camp Creativity

  • 8-week Live Program
  • Access to the pre-corded curriculum full of videos, workbooks, prompts, checklists, and more.
  • Four Live Coaching Calls
  • Lifetime access to curriculum and replays
  • Private Community of Support
  • Access to Design Business in a Box + DBB Bonuses

BONUS Access to Idea Lab

BONUS The Mindset Shifts Toolbox

BONUS Cash Injections Video Recordings

If you want to check out Design Business in a Box (our signature program for teaching you how to design in Photoshop), click here.

In just a few short years, I scaled my business to multiple six figures from home. You can, too.

Hi, I'm Kelli Mitchell, founder of Pink Lemonade Company.

When I went looking for financial freedom for myself (and my three children), I never expected to build a multi-six-figure business that runs with a team of 6 and counting! These days, that’s my reality.

I’m living proof that creativity can pave the way to freedom. That’s why I’m sharing everything I’ve learned over the past decade and offering it in one program so you can skip the trial and error and create your own version of success with solid design skills.

So many of our students have gone on to build design businesses and online stores living a life they love. I created something amazing for myself and you can, too!

When you purchase our product, you understand that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular result or outcome using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented. Your success is entirely dependent on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. We make no promises or warranties concerning your likelihood of success, performance, future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth, or results of any kind. You understand that with any business endeavor there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.  

Earnings Disclaimer: You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances, or income level. You are solely responsible for your results. 

Testimonials presented in our materials are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results, rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes.